In a groundbreaking move, the lower house of the Australian Parliament has passed a bill aimed at...
A Jaipur man had a narrow escape after attempting a stunt with his Mahindra Thar on railway...
A controversial video of a young woman dancing in a hospital room, with her ill mother lying...
In the wake of Donald Trump’s return to the White House, a notable shift has been emerging...
In a harrowing case of sexual violence and blackmail, six individuals have been arrested for allegedly gang-raping...
In Jharkhand’s Santhal Pargana, a community of 35 Hindu families lives in a challenging environment, surrounded by...
In a distressing incident in Agra, a young man attempted suicide on Instagram Live after a breakup...
The Australian government has introduced landmark legislation aimed at protecting children from the dangers of social media....
In a striking act of defiance against Iran’s stringent hijab regulations, a young woman was seen roaming...
A significant number of Indians are reported to have lost around ₹1,000 crore due to a scam...